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LifeLong learning – Corsi online – Rubriche gratuite
Creative writing columns
Writing is a serious job. What about you? Do you write as a hobby or as a professional? Find out what lies behind novels on bookstore shelves: planning, writing, editing, proofreading , and marketing. Master the rules of grammar with meditar is so good, narrative techniques, write what you know, plan your worlds consciously and discover the principles of Writiquette.
Corsi online gratuiti di LifeLong learning
Where does writing begin? Improve your descriptive technique with practical exercises, and increase your awareness of the elements you include in your novels.
Travel through time, thanks to your memory, or that of others, harmonize characters and plot, reveal them to your readers with the show don’t tell, make them real, tangible and immortal in the minds of readers.
Writing and Editing
Dalla D eufonica alla distinzione fra editor, correttore di bozze, alfa & beta reader, fino agli errori grammaticali più comuni e alle due categorie di scrittori più famose, potrai valutare le tue abilità di scrittura e auto editing riflettendo su ogni pillola, tra nozioni e curiosità.
Pursuing a Career as a Writer does not only mean sitting at the computer and typing words: your work starts from there but continues with promotion and social relationships with your readers.
We have already mentioned something in the article on low-cost professionalism, and through the various episodes of this column we will expand the discourse, and we will see what are the professional behaviors and pitfalls to avoid, which could frustrate all your efforts. Take care of your Marketing, become a Writiquette expert.